Monday 29 November
Letters and Sounds
Today we are learning all about the sound X. Watch this video to learn what sound X makes:
Complete this sheet spotting all the Xs and colouring the pictures. Can you write words like fox and box on your own?
Today we are learning to write words with the W sound in. Can you use pens and paper to write the word win? Or if you would like a challenge, you can write I can win. Make sure your sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
Today we are learning to recognise a number on a birthday cake and draw on the corresponding number of candles. Print out the sheet below or your grown-up can draw the cakes for you. Remember to count each candle as you draw it.
This week we are learning all about how we celebrate birthdays. Pretend it's one of your toy's birthdays. Can you make a birthday card for your toy? Draw a picture on the front, write a number for how old they are and write a message inside.