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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Pirate Day 30.6.23 Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for joining us for pirate day, we all had a great time.

Following our beach trip we turned our outside classroom into a beach.

Term 6 Father`s day 18.6.23 We made rosettes for our lovely Dads

Term 5 Animals- Dog Day

We have been learning about dogs. Lola and Tallulah came to visit us on the playground and we walked them, stroked them and learnt how to care for dogs. We noticed their similarities and differences.

More Amazing Writing in our writing journals. The children choose to write anything they like in these, and then they share them with the class.

We read a book called The Naughty Bus and then made up our own naughty bus adventures. Can you spot any places around our school that the naughty bus visited?

MATHS -We have been learning all about repeating patterns

Aeroplanes -We read a book called Emma Jane`s Aeroplane and we made and flew our own planes.

We have been looking for signs of Spring, look what we found! We discussed what plants need to grow. We also decided to cut up flowers and herbs to make our own perfumes.

Cross Country Saturday 4.3.23 and Friday 17.3.23 Well done to all the runners!

Pancake Day 21/2/23

Term 4 Maths

Ten Green Bottles- We are learning our number bonds to 10 using 10 real bottles and putting some on the wall and some on the floor. We then used tens frames to represent the number bonds.

Term 4 Transport Topic

We kick started our transport topic by making giant cars, maps and looking at our own cars.

STEM WEEK  6-10 February

We had to work things out, talk to each other, share resources, work collaboratively and learn how to solve problems. What a wonderful week full of learning! Our STEM question for the week was... How can I make this car go faster? We learnt about friction, ramps, forces and measuring!

Term 3 Food

Supertato really inspired us! We all need to be aware of Evil Pea...

January 2023

Look at our amazing writing! We have been choosing to write and using our phonics to spell words.

Cross Country Saturday 28th January 2023

Chinese New Year

Term 3 Maths

We have been using tens frames to represent numbers.

Baking our own Gingerbread Men

We read Handa`s Surprise and then we tasted lots of different fruits. We made a graph to show the most popular fruit.

December 2022

Celebrating birthdays November 2022

We have been learning why we celebrate birthdays

People Who Help Us. 

We learnt about the NHS and how important doctors and nurses are. We role played doctors and nurses all week. We loved using the equipment. Poor Mrs Stembridge had a lot of bandages, injections and plasters!

World Cup Football

England`s first match 21/11/22

We did football tasks with Mr Mullender and could watch the football if we wanted to.


We went into an assembly and all did a fingerprint poppy. We learnt about respect.

Odd Sock Day for anti bullying

We learnt about being kind to each other