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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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We are going to begin a new topic: Multiplication and Division. This is part 2 of this topic as we have already learned out 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables this year, as well as multiplying by multiples of 10, and multiplying and dividing by 0 and 1. Have a look at the map below, paying particular attention to the vocabulary section.
Before we start today's learning, I'd like use to quickly recap arrays. What is an array? And how can we use it to help represent multiplication and division calculations?
Today's lesson is all about beginning to use written methods to multiply, though we are thinking about partitioning our calculation into two or more parts. Please start by carefully watching the video below. Then, log into Activelearn to complete today's Discover and Share activities (Lesson 3 - Written Methods). You may also attempt the TT questions if you wish - but don't spend more than 15 minutes on these.

Written methods
