Thursday 21st October 2021
We will be having a drama workshop in the morning to introduce this year's production, Sherlock and Cinders.
Auditions for leading roles will be held at lunchtime.
At 2pm, our Harvest Festival assembly will be held in the school playground.
Friday 22nd October 2021
School Council's Autumn Disco will be held between 5 - 6pm. Tickets can be purchased from the office for £3.
Friday will be fancy dress all day in aid of this.
Thursday 14th October 2021
Mrs White will be coming in to teach us all how to be expert journalists.
Year 4 will be swimming on Tuesdays 5th, 12th and 19th.
Friday 24th September 2021
On this day, we will be celebrating European Languages Day.
Thursday 23rd September 2021
Mrs West will be running a Drama workshop based around our class text, ‘Escape From Pompeii’.