Poem of the Day
Poem of the Day
Today we are going to carry on looking at Pictograms. The picture below shows the Discover page that we usually look at together, after you have written your LO. Have a look at this and see if you can figure out the answer. Once you have done this, look at the Share page next to it to see if you were correct. Did you use the same method as the book?
The picture below is your Think Together page that we normally look at in pairs or groups. Spend 5 – 10 minutes looking at this page, remember it’s not about answering all the questions, it’s about getting your brain started. You can write down as much or as little to help you. The answers for these questions are in a document below. How did you do?
I have also uploaded the questions you would normally do in your book and the answers you would use to mark. Spend about half an hour on these, remember how many questions you normally manage to answer in class, try to finish about that many.
Topic/ English
Today you are going to be writing a Fact Sheet about the country you researched yesterday. Please see below for more deatails and support on this task.
Your fact sheet can be handwritten or written on the computer, it is your choice, whatever works best for you and your family.
This is the piece of work that I will be marking this week. Please email it (or a photo of it) to by Thursday 7th January at 1pm. Please also include in the email if you aren't happy for me to share it in the class gallery as I will be sharing some pieces of this work in our class gallery. I will be sending feedback about this work by 12pm Monday 11th January.
This week we are continuing to look at light. Today we are looking at reflectie materials, thinking about how different materials reflect light differently. There is an investigaiton for you to try, to investigate how reflective different materials are. Take a look at the PowerPoint, video and sheet below to get started!