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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Year 4 were inspired by the textile art of Native Americans. They used wool and a cardboard loom to weave a wall hanging.

2025 is the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Year 2 made snake eggs by joining two clay pinch pots together. They used clay tools to inscribe patterns on their eggs.

Year 2 created their own blue and white art inspired by the story of The Willow Pattern Plate.

Year 6 enjoyed sketching a still life composition inspired by the themes of light and dark in Macbeth.

Year 1 visited The Turner Centre in Margate to see the art work. They enjoyed an imagination workshop.

Year 3 have been learning how to draw a self-portrait. They looked at the work of Frida Kahlo and took inspiration from her self-portraits, in particular her Self Portait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird. They learned how to draw a face to include the correct proportions and positions of eyes, nose, mouth ears and hair. They included a leafy background and " special objects" on their shoulders - just like Frida! They then learned how to mix colours to create a realistic skin tone before painting their self-portrait. A decorative frame completed their amazing work. 

We had an exciting assembly this morning with a visit from the Mayor of Swale. Some of our classes entered a competion to design the Mayor’s Christmas card. Here are the winners:
The Mayor’s card design by Olivia Hook with the poem by Reuben Adken inside the cover.
The leader of the council Tim Gibson has chosen Santa disappearing down the chimney by Leo James
Larissa Reed the Chief Executive has chosen the picture by Sonny Longman.

Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to the Mayor of Swale and his driver Ian for visiting our school.

Years 5 & 6 explored examples of Retro-Futuristic art from the 1950s and 60s. They used a range of techniques to create their own space art inspired by artwork of that period. They colour mixed and matched a middle ground planet, used chalk pastels and spatter painting techniques to create a nebula and galaxy background and then used oil pastels to create a textured planet foreground. The final composition was then planned and assembled.

We took part in The Big Draw this term with 3 classes taking their sketchbooks on their school trips. They completed drawings in The Ropery at the Historic Dockyard, Maidstone Museum and Kent Life. Mrs Willis made thaumatropes with years 2,4 & 5 which went down really well! Overall,120 children took part in drawing activities whilst out at about. Well done everyone.

Year 1’s focus artist is Kandinsky. He is very famous for his colour study called Concentric Circles and Squares. In Art they discussed Kandinsky's famous painting, looked at his use of primary and secondary colours and then created our own concentric circle pattern. The children really enjoyed the process and have created amazing pieces of art.

Mrs Willis created artwork with Years 2 & 3 for the Flock Together project ( Swale Creative Schools Network). This artwork is now on display at a local church. 

Year 4 would like to say a big thank you to Jo from Animatearts who took us on a trail around Faversham to look at artwork. The children took their clipboards and enjoyed sketching all the fabulous things they saw. We learnt a lot about different artists both past and present. 

Year 1 art work inspired by Gwen John

Year 3 have been learning about complimentary colours on the colour wheel. Andy Warhol was the inspiration for their art work linked to their learning  about volcanoes. 

Mrs Willis created artwork with Years 2 & 3 for the Flock Together project ( Swale Creative Schools Network) is now on display at;


Yr 2 – in Alexander Centre (window near the entrance, so it can be seen at any time of day/night)

Yr 3 – In Sheerness Dockyard Trust ME12 1RR

Mixing primary colours to make secondary colours!

Year 5 and 6 Dragon Eyes

The Stone Age

The Platinum Jubilee

Sketching in our locality and meeting the Mayor of Faversham

Shakespeare Week
