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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

Together we Thrive

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Year 3

Welcome to Blue Class!

Term 1: The Stone Age


  • Please see the ‘Curriculum’ section below for details of what we'll be learning this term.
  • Drop off at 8.40 am / Pick up 3.15pm at the Blue Class back door/Reception Playground.
  • The children are welcome to change their own reading books when they have finished their book. 
  • Spellings will be uploaded on Tuesdays. Checks will take place each Monday
  • Times Tables will be set on Thursday. Times Tables Checks will take place the following Thursday.
  • PE is on Thursday afternoons - please come to school in your PE kit.
  • Fitness is on Friday afternoons. Children are welcome to come to school in PE kit but this is not compulsory. 



















Class Emails

The class email address is:  


Please do email if you have any questions, queries or would just like to share something that has been happening outside of school.


Thank you,

Mr Jones
