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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Late/Absence Procedures

Pupil Attendance Guidance for Parents

Ethelbert Road Primary School recognises the importance of good attendance and punctuality and the negative impact of poor attendance and punctuality on a child’s learning. We are therefore committed to ensuring that, as an organisation, we do everything we can to improve our pupils’ attendance and punctuality.

We regularly monitor the attendance and punctuality of our pupils and work hard to send a clear message to parents that we are committed to high levels of attendance and punctuality and will vigorously challenge those children, and their parents who are ultimately responsible, who fail to meet our high expectations.

  • We will work to ensure maximum attendance by all of our pupils.
  • We will work to identify any problems that may impede full attendance and assist in addressing these issues.
  • We will work in close collaboration with parents to achieve our aim of 100% attendance.
  • We will ensure that all parents are aware of and understand this policy.
  • We will ensure that parents are aware, that it is ultimately their responsibility to ensure their children attend, as laid down by statutory guidelines.
  • We recognise that pupils are individuals and will work with them to achieve good attendance.

Children are at school for 190 days in a school year; it is our school’s hope that parents will support their children’s full attendance. Holidays, birthday treats, theatre visits etc. need to be planned for outside school time. The term dates are sent home well in advance so that parents are able to take these into account when planning holidays.



If your child is going to be late, please try to phone ahead and notify the office. Once you have arrived at school please fill in the late form on our electronic system. Lateness will be carefully tracked and if your child is continuously late you will be invited to attend a meeting to see if the school can help.


Holiday in term time

It is the school’s policy not to authorise holidays during term time.

Examples of exceptional circumstances could include:

  • Service personnel returning from a tour of duty abroad where it is evidenced the individual will not be in receipt of any leave in the near future that coincides with school holidays.
  • Where an absence from school is recommended by a health professional as part of a parent or child’s rehabilitation from a medical or emotional issue.
  • The death or terminal illness of a person close to the family.

It is important to stress that parents have no statutory right to remove a child from school during term time for the purpose of a family holiday.


If you have planned a holiday, or require your child to have time away from school, a leave of absence form must be filled in and handed into the school office. The Headteacher will look at the form and decide if the time off is authorised, or unauthorised. A leave of absence which has been taken without authorisation, will be marked as an unauthorised absence. 

Our attendance Policy can be found on our Policies page.
