This week in D&T we are learning about wheels and axles.
An axle connects pairs of wheels to a vehicle. Wheels and axles can be joined in two different ways. Some vehicles have axles that move the wheels. The wheels are fixed to the axles. Other vehicles have fixed axles. The wheels rotate around the axle which means the wheels spin round.
The axles support the chassis (said shah-see) which is the base on which the rest of the vehicle is built.
Have a look at the PowerPoint below to find out more about wheels and axles.
Today I would like you to experiment with both types of wheels and axles.
You will need some card, sticky tape, Blutak or plasticine, skewers/straws and scissors. A hole punch is useful if you have one!
You will need to cut out 8 circles of card for the wheels and 2 rectangles of card for the chassis. Use the Blutak or plasticine to secure the wheels.
Have a look at the photos below. See if you can make two chassis using the different ways to attach wheels.
Finally, keep looking at any toy vehicles you have and think about these questions.
How do you think the wheels move? How do you think the wheels are fixed on? Why do you think the product has this number of wheels? Why do you think the wheels are round? Is the size of the wheels important?
Key vocabulary
* Axle – a rod that lets a wheel rotate. The wheel can rotate freely on the axle or be fixed to, and turn with, the axle.
* Chassis – the frame or base on which a vehicle is built.
Next week IN SCHOOL on Monday 8th March, you will be designing a vehicle to help a story character. The following week (15th March) you will be able to make that vehicle so please can you collect things from your recycling that you might need; empty boxes/tubs to make the body and chassis, lids for lights and wheels.
I have dowels you can use for the axles and some pre-cut cardboard wheels.
Your things need to be in a named carrier bag and in school by Friday 12th March, thank you everyone.
Mrs Willis x