Monday Message
Welcome back to Term 4! I hope you have all had a relaxing and fun half term, and ate lots of pancakes on pancake day! I hope you had great fun in the snow during the last week of last term as well!
This term we are going to start our new topic. This term our topic is ‘Our Local Area’. Hopefully the sun will shine this week and you will be able to get out for a walk and see some of the local area. We are going to be looking at maps this week to see if we can find where Faversham is on a map of the UK and a map of Kent, as well as seeing what we can find on a local map of Faversham.
This week we are also going to continue to look at different sentences. This week you will be learning a little more about complex sentences (sentences with a main and subordinate clause) on Tuesday. On Wednesday I have asked you to write three examples of each type of sentence that we have learned about since January (simple, compound and complex). This is the work I will be giving feedback on this week and you can write about anything you would like, so you can use this opportunity to tell me what you've been up to over half term, what you've enjoyed so far in your learning, or anything else you would like to share with me. Please send it to me by the end of Thursday so I have time to read them all and send you feedback.
We are also starting a new book this term, which is a great story, with some fantastic imagery – I can’t wait to see the fantastic writing that you are going to do based on this book this term. The book we will be looking at this term is ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and I have read the first chapter for you to listen to this week.
In maths we are going to finish off our learning about time, mainly thinking about the length (duration) of events and figuring out when they start or finish. There are some fun activities for you to do to get you moving and thinking about your maths as well as some work from our textbooks.
You might also have noticed we have a new tab after English this week. Mrs Calzada has ordered us a ‘word of the day’ book which gives us a new word to find out about each day. When we are back in school we will have a look at these words at the start of the afternoon so I have put this tab in for you to start exploring these words.
Remember you can email me or call the school if you need anything, Be Kind to yourselves as we start a new term. I can’t wait to see you all back in school when we can.
Love Miss Tucker x