Gallery for Term 5
Year 1’s Photos
We had a lovely selection of pictures from PE to spider making. You can see how he has made his spiders and how beautiful they were when they were finished. Some fantastic phonic and spelling work too. Great work!
Wonderful descriptions and writing of our Superworm story. I also love the beautiful pictures of Superworm. Well done!
Wow a very clever red bus! Fantastic Easter and Superworm writing!
Great capital letters and full stops and even an exclamation mark too. Amazing work!
Wow! What a fantastic wormery! I really love that the wormery is being looked after with a little bit of water. Great work!
Some beautiful artwork with flowers. I love your art book. There has also been some very good phonic work this week. Well done!
Fabulous learning! He went on a bug hunt in the woods with his identification sheet and found this beetle. He thinks it maybe a Wood Beetle. Well done!
Great learning from Maddie Moate and Greg foote in 'Let's go Live' with science experiments. There is a brilliant one on minibeasts. Fantastic learning!
This PHSE work Looks great fun. He had a job as a builder. He got paid and then had to pay his bills and buy food. I love the signs and counting skills. Then he chose to give his remaining £2 to people without any homes! That is so kind. Great work!
Wow, an awesome wormery. There have already been some visitors which have been named Barry, Boris and Grace.
This is wonderful literacy work with great detail on the storymap and character description of Superworm. The story is brilliant. Great work!.
Some awesome spanish!
I love the detailed artwork and the Superworm storymap. Well done Kit!
A beautiful picture and description of Superworm. Great work!
Wow! What a fantastic wormery! It is great to see you are enjoying science.
Amazing work on both your phonic work and the exciting storymap you have created on Superworm. Well done!
Wow! Fantastic bug house! What a lovely surprise you had this morning when you discovered some visitors. Can anyone see who stayed at the bug house?
Great handwriting and spelling work!
Well done Heinrich! Sorting and matching `long a' sound words.