Friday 3 December
Letters and Sounds
Today we are going to revise the letter sounds that we have covered over the last week or so: j v w x y z zz. Below is a comic to read that has many of these sounds in it. You could have a go at reading these short sentences with the help of your grown-up. If you would like a challenge maybe you could draw a comic page and have a go at writing short words or simple sentences.
Today we are going to write a word with the ZZ sound in it. Use your brightly coloured pens and pencils to write the word buzz. For a challenge, write the sentence: I can buzz. Don't forget your capital letter and full stop.
For today's activities you will need number cards 1-10. You can either print the ones below or just write numbers to ten on small pieces of paper.
Next, get a selection of small toys and put them in a box. Your grown-up will show you a number card and you need to count out that many toys from the box. Make sure you count and move each object. Repeat with all the number cards.
Today is your favourite teddy's birthday. Set up a party for them in your house. You could sit them at the table or in your bedroom. Have you got play food, plates, cups to give them? You could use cupcake cases as the cakes, give birthday cards and presents wrapped in your home made wrapping paper. You could have a go at writing invitations, gift tags, number badges. Here is a photo of a toy's party to give you some ideas: