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Term 6

I am really so proud of the children's progress and improvements in our daily Letters and Sounds/Spellings Sessions this term.  In our sessions over the past two weeks, I have been giving the children 'incorrect sentences' and I'm blown away by how they identify the spelling errors. Thank you for supporting the children at home - it really has made a difference and well done Yellow Class! 


This will be our last Spellings Check of the year and, next week, I will send home their Spellings books. Over the summer, if you wish to, you could revisit any of our previous spellings patterns or suffixes.  Thank you all. smiley


Spellings for checking on Friday 16th July

Phase 6/CEW

  • sure
  • whole
  • only
  • would
  • parent
  • ????????
  • ????????


+ I will choose a random extra 2 words from the whole of the Year 2 CEW List.  We have spent time in class reading and writing these words so it shouldn't be too much of challenge!



There are no Spellings this week  for Mrs Willis's Groups.  She will be focusing on revising the phonemes for this term.





Spellings for checking on Friday 9th July 

Phase 6

  • everybody
  • great
  • prove
  • improve
  • hour


  • England (with a capital E)
  • wanted



Mrs Willis's Groups


Group 1

donkey , hockey, time, slide + your, day 


Group 2

teacher, royal, bird, third + from, children 



Spellings for checking on Friday 2nd July

Phase 6 

For the next few weeks, we will focus on the Year 2 Common Exception Words, as well as some topic-related vocabulary.  I will dictate one of these words within a sentence.


  • after
  • again
  • beautiful
  • class
  • clothes
  • equator
  • quarter (links to quarter past in Maths0


Mrs Willis's Groups


Group 1


  • haul
  • August
  • automatic
  • time
  • house
  • about


Group 2:

  • loud
  • found
  • read 
  • seat
  • went 
  • it's

Spellings for checking on Friday 25th June


Phase 6 

For the next few weeks, we will focus on the Year 2 Common Exception Words, as well as some topic-related vocabulary.  I will dictate one of these words within a sentence.


  • behind
  • child
  • children
  • climb
  • only
  • both
  • desert
  • living


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1


  • blew
  • nephew
  • toes
  • goes
  • old
  • by 



Group 2

  • play
  • stay
  • pie
  • flies
  • one
  • some 




Spellings for checking on Friday 18th June

Don't forget, one of these words will be dictated within a sentence that contains some of the CEWs.  Thank you.

Phase 6 

un_ prefix

  1. unhappy
  2. unusual
  3. unkind
  4. unwell
  5. unfold
  6. uneven
  7. unlucky
  8. unfair


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1

  1. wheel
  2. when
  3. phonics
  4. phone
  5. don’t
  6. I’m 


Group 2

  1. bench
  2. spoon
  3. skip
  4. tusk
  5. just
  6. help 




Spellings for checking on Friday 11th June

Phase 6 

Compound Words (The children will be asked to write the compound word, not the ___ + ___ version!)

  1. tooth + brush = toothbrush
  2. bath + room = bathroom
  3. gold + fish = goldfish
  4. foot + ball = football
  5. sun + flower = sunflower
  6. rattle + snake = rattlesnake


Please note:  This term, I will ask the children to write 1 of these words within a sentence as part of a 'dictation'.  This means that the children will have to write a whole sentence exactly as I 'dictate' it to them.  I will also include some of the Year 2 Common Exception Words within this sentence, as well as the main spelling word.  


Thank you all for your support in learning our weekly spellings at home - the children have done consistently well in their spelling checks and our daily Letters and Sounds lessons are really successful.  This has all been helped, I am sure, by reinforcement at home. 

Common Exception Words

It might be worth choosing some of the CEW which your child finds tricky to spell and working on 4-5 of these each week.  I am going to be recapping them in school too. Thank you.  




Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1



Group 2




Term 5 


Spellings for checking on Friday 28th May


Phase 6 - Plurals (_s, _es and _ies)

  1. friends
  2. classes
  3. branches
  4. families
  5. poppies
  6. countries


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1


  1. seat
  2. beach
  3. royal
  4. oyster
  5. there
  6. help


Group 2

  1. hurt
  2. burn
  3. term
  4. herb
  5. her
  6. now



Spellings for checking on Friday 21st May


Phase 6 - Homophones


  1. there
  2. their
  3. they're
  4. right
  5. write
  6. through
  7. threw


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1


  1. play 
  2. say 
  3. loud 
  4. pie 
  5. went
  6. from 


Group 2

  1. her 
  2. farmer 
  3. sister 
  4. kerb 
  5. see
  6. for 



Spellings for checking on Friday 14th May


Phase 6 - Contractions

I will only test you on the contracted word which contains an apostrophe. 

  1. you're   (you are)
  2. she's   (she is / she has)
  3. he's   (he is  / he has)
  4. they're   (they are)
  5. we're  (we are)
  6. don't  (do not)
  7. wouldn't  (would not)
  8. couldn't  (could not)


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1

  1. string 
  2. shelter 
  3. sandpit 
  4. chunk 
  5. have
  6.  what 


Group 2

  1. hear 
  2. near 
  3. stair 
  4. hair 
  5. that
  6. with 


Spellings for checking on Friday 7th May


Phase 6 - tricky words / mnemonics

  • other
  • because
  • people
  • said
  • what
  • laugh
  • through
  • want


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1






+when, out 


Group 2





+this, my 




Spellings for checking on Friday 30th April 


Phase 6 - ful and ly suffixes








Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1





+ come & little 


Group 2





+ you & are 




Spellings for checking on Friday 23rd April 


Phase 6 - adding _er suffix








Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1








Group 2







Term 4

Please note, I am revising some of the spellings and L&S sessions from lockdown so some of the words may seem familiar.  


Spellings for checking on Friday 19th March 2020


Phase 6 - Past Tense (_ed and irregular verbs)

  • walked
  • looked
  • skipped
  • hopped
  • thought
  • saw


Sir Linkalot

  • out
  • read


Mrs Willis's Groups

Group 1:

Group 2:


Sir Linkalot:

  • out
  • read

From now on, we will try having 8 spellings per week.  There will be an extra 2 words taken from Sir Linkalot and we will start off with the section entitled Key Keats 1.

NB.  I will review this next term and it may be that 8 spellings are too many; we will see and I'll adapt according to the needs of the class.


Spellings Term 2 Week 6  11.12.20

To be checked:

Friday 18th December

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

Adding -es to verbs and nouns ending in y

(change the y to an i and add -es)

  • flies  (fly)
  • replies  (reply)
  • tries  (try)
  • cries (cry)


Common Exception Words:

  • every
  • everybody


Sir Linkalot Spellings:

  • air
  • busy

NOTE: These spellings are not related to SirLinkalot - I will introduce properly next week.

Spellings Term 2, Week 5 (4.12.20)

To be checked: Friday 11th December 

Year 2 Spelling Rule: The /igh/sound spelt with ‘y’

  • try
  • why
  • July – note CL!
  • multiply 


Common Exception Words:

  • hold
  • told

Spellings Term 2 Week 4 (27.11.20)

To be checked:  Friday 4th December


Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The /l/ sound spelt with _il and _al

  • pencil
  • pupil
  • animal
  • oval


Common Exception Words:

  • cold
  • gold

Spellings Term 2 Week 3 (20.11.20)

To be checked: Friday 27th November


Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /l/ spelt with ‘el’

  • travel
  • camel
  • tunnel
  • barrel

Common Exception Words:

  • behind
  • old

Spellings for 13.11.20

To be checked: 20.11.20

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /l/ spelt with ‘le’

  1. table
  2. bottle
  3. little
  4. middle


Common Exception Words:

  1. find
  2. mind

Spellings Term 2, Week 1 (6.11.20)

To be checked:  Friday 13th November

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /j/ spelt with ‘g’ and ‘j’

  1. giant
  2. magic
  3. jacket
  4. join


Common Exception Words:

  1. only
  2. both

Organisation of Spellings in Year 2

Spellings will be uploaded each Friday and I will also teach that week’s spellings to the children in class.

The National Curriculum lists a set of spelling rules/patterns which children in Year 2 must learn.  

Thus, some of the weekly spellings will be based upon these rules.  As well as this, the children will be learning to spell 2 words per week from the Year 2 ‘Common Exception Words’ List. These words are displayed in class and the children will be familiar with them through our Spellings lessons.


Children will be tested on Fridays.  We will send home Spellings Books at the end of each term for you to have a look at.  The spellings will be marked weekly and we will let the children know how they did on a 1:1 basis.  

Please remember to make learning spellings fun – little and often is best! Thank you for your support.

Mrs Kelleher


Nb. If your child is finding the spellings too tricky, then we will adapt them accordingly to meet their needs. Thank you.

Spellings Week 4 16.10.20

To be checked: Thursday 22nd October (note, NOT FRIDAY DUE TO INSET)

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /j/ spelt with

 ‘-dge’ and ‘-ge’

at the end of words


  1. edge
  2. bridge
  3. huge
  4. change


Common Exception Words:

  1. parents
  2. most




Spellings Week 3 (9.10.20)

To be checked:  Friday 16th October

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /s/ spelt ‘c’

 before e, i and y

  1. race
  2. cycle
  3. city
  4. circle

Common Exception Words:

  1. children
  2. climb

Spellings Week 2   2.10.20

To be checked:  Friday 9th October

Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /r/ spelt ‘wr’ at the beginning of words

  1. write
  2. wrong
  3. wrote
  4. wreck


Common Exception Words:

  1. again
  2. wild



Spellings Week 1


To be checked:

Friday 2nd October


Year 2 Spelling Rule:

The sound /n/ spelt

kn’ and ‘gn’ at the

beginning of words


  1. know
  2. knee
  3. knew
  4. gnaw


Common Exception Words:



