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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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  • Year 6 trip to Belmont House

    Mon 27 May 2024

    Our Year 6 children would like to say a big thank you to Belmont House for inviting them to spend the day there flying birds of prey. It was an amazing experience our children will never forget.

  • Year 6 Collaboration Day

    Fri 24 May 2024

    Year 6 joined 5 other schools for the annual Year 6 collaboration day. They enjoyed a variety of activities and made some new friends. In the afternoon they enjoyed some team events and had so much fun! A big thank you to the staff who attended and to Davington Primary School for hosting.

  • Sports Day

    Fri 24 May 2024

    🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️What a fantastic sports day! We have all enjoyed being together in our house teams and taking part in individual and team races. The children showed great team spirit and resilience in everything they did. We are very proud of how they participated in races, cheered each other on and demonstrated great integrity. It was lovely to see so many families and friends supporting this event and we hope you spotted our new gazebos which The Friends of ERPS bought for us through their fund raising. 🏆 Well done to our winners Egbert!🥇

  • Congratulations Year 6

    Mon 20 May 2024

    ⭐️ Congratulations to our Year 6 children who did magnificently in their SATs and then enjoyed some well deserved down time in the woods. The children showed true determination, resilience and team spirit. It was amazing to see them supporting each other whilst learning fantastic skills to take with them on the next part of their learning journey. I know each and everyone of you has made your teachers and teaching assistants from Year R to the present day so proud. You are all truly amazing ⭐️

  • Swale Creative Schools Network

    Sun 12 May 2024

    Mrs Willis created artwork with Years 2 & 3 for the Flock Together project ( Swale Creative Schools Network). This artwork is now on display at a local church. 

  • Geography Trip Year 2

    Wed 08 May 2024

    Year 2 had the most amazing trip to Syndale Farm on Tuesday which was made all the more perfect in the sunshine!  They built dens, explored the natural woodland, identified leaves, used a compass, played in fields of buttercups, met Mrs Clinch's horses and enjoyed the great outdoors!  What a great time was had by all.

  • Ethelbert Football Team

    Wed 01 May 2024

    Congratulations to our Y5 & Y6 football team who played brilliantly today against 9 schools at the University of Kent. Our team came top of their group and then battled hard in the semifinals to gain 3rd place. The children’s team spirit and behaviour was impeccable as always. Well done!
