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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Week 1

Unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words

  1. definite
  2. desperate
  3. literate
  4. secretary
  5. stationary
  6. dictionary
  7. Wednesday
  8. familiar
  9. original
  10. animal



Week 2

Adding verb prefixes de- and re-

  1. deflate
  2. deform
  3. decode
  4. decompose
  5. defuse
  6. recycle
  7. rebuild
  8. rewrite
  9. replace
  10. revisit



Week 3

Adding verb prefix over-

  1. overthrow
  2. overturn
  3. overslept
  4. overcook
  5. overreact
  6. overestimate
  7. overuse
  8. overpaid
  9. overlook
  10. overbalance



Week 4

Convert nouns or verbs into adjectives using suffix -ful

  1. boastful
  2. faithful
  3. doubtful
  4. fearful
  5. thankful
  6. beautiful
  7. pitiful
  8. plentiful
  9. fanciful
  10. merciful



Week 5

Convert nouns or verbs into adjectives using the suffix -ive

  1. attractive
  2. creative
  3. addictive
  4. assertive
  5. abusive
  6. cooperative
  7. exhaustive
  8. appreciative
  9. offensive
  10. expressive



Week 6

  1. musical
  2. political
  3. professional
  4. mathematical
  5. functional
  6. tropical
  7. central
  8. global
  9. accidental
  10. industrial

